Св. источник

Time stopped.

thumb_ist_5_1Old residents of these lands also tell about the veneration of this Spring at all times. Nataliya Vasilyevna Karpuhina, who is hundred years old, remembers "When we were children we loved to run to the Holy Spring. We were afraid of doing it alone, but if mother permitted and gave a carafe, we ran with my friend Nyusha along the short road across the ravine. The watchman, our acquaintance, nodded friendly and unlocked the door especially for us, saying "Come girls, take water from the cross."

The stone chapel at the Holy Spring was high and had five cupolas. Wonderful evangelic animals were modeled at the corners. There were windows in the Chapel and at the eastern side there was an iconostasis. In the middle a well of white stone was built. A gilded cross was mounted on well and the spring water was running from it. We crossed ourselves, took some water into the carafe and came out into the wooden gallery. There we could have a rest, drink water or just listen to the birds.

thumb_ist9On feast days many people were coming there in a religious procession with icons and gonfalons. No one in the village can do without St. John the Theologian. They planted potatoes till the 21st of May and gathered them in till the 9th of October. After a hard winter they said “May God let us live till the spring St. John the theologian and then St. Father John the Theologian will take care of us himself".

Another dweller of the village Nataliya Ivanovna Uvarova remembered the first years of Church persecution. "It happened on the Feast of the Holy Trinity in 1931. The day before everybody had prepared to the feast, the bell-tower had been decorated with lamps, the houses- with branches of birches , the floor in the Church had been covered with hay. My neighbor and I went out to milk cows at 4 a.m.