Св. источник

On the 20th of May Anna went to sleep in her house. In her dream she saw herself being in St. John the Theologian Monastery. She saw the wonderworking icon of St. John the Theologian, which was being carried across the yard. An old woman with a staff in her hand was going along with the people. She called Anna to come up to her and asked her "Anna, haven’t you recovered yet?". When she got a negative answer she took her hand and led her along the road to the chapel near the spring. The old woman took some water from the spring, gave it to Anna to drink, washed her face with it and said "Now you will be healthy and thank God. If sick people drink and wash their faces with the water from this spring they will recover. It concerns not only people, but cattle as well." Having said this, she led Anna to the monastery the same way. But then the dream came to an end, Anna woke up and felt much better. She told her dream to her mother, her aunt, close neighbors and acquaintances. Her aunt said "We will go to the monastery tomorrow and try."

On the following day, on the 21st of May, on Sunday Anna went to St. John the Theologian Monastery with her aunt. There she listened to the Divine Liturgy without fear and crying and then she went to look for the spring she saw in her dream. And she found it herself despite the fact that she had never been there before. Having drunk some water and having washed her face she felt she had recovered from her illness. She told to people and to the Father Superior and the brethren of the monastery about it.

thumb_ist2The Father Superior of the cloister, a seventy-years-old elder, suffered from pain in his legs badly. The ache and cramps made it difficult for him to celebrate the Divine Service. And although he had heard about the qualities of the spring, he had never bathed in it before. And now he decided to dive into the icy water and got great relief. After a while the illness passed away and he began to walk easily and freely.