Архимандрит Авель

It is said, that of the abundance of the heart one’s mouth speaketh and the memory of Father Abel overflows our hearts. That’s why we dedicated a separate chapter on the pages of our site to the narration of his personality and monastic work of penance. We placed here his biographical data, his teachings and narratives and a video, where our Father himself is present, where one can hear his live edifying word and some reminiscences of his contemporaries who communicated with him.


His love to God was curing wounded souls
Of those who suffered from the arrows of the world.
Humility and aid remained his major goals
And many hearts were cured with his word.
He taught his lambs with his advice and penance,
He opened their eyes to their sins
And all his love was there in his prayers,
Helped those who exhausted other means.
Sometimes when grief was creeping up their souls
All monks and laymen came for his advice.
And now the memory of his kind deeds consoles
The thousands who thank him still alive for their lives https://phar...onnance.