Прошлое и настоящее


thumb_biblioSince ancient times all the peoples, who mastered the art of writing, have had the tradition of writing chronicles. The stories about the historical events of the past have been put down with care, read, kept and passed on from one generation to another.

We also decided to follow this tradition, as we understand, that writing of chronicles is an important guarantee of having historical knowledge, which from our point of view is very useful in two ways:

- firstly it helps to show the dignity of the past events, understand the good or the harm, which comes from them and makes us avoid the wrong and to follow the best.

- secondly it tells us about the very personalities of the past, whose words and deeds influence our life to a certain extent.

It impels us to pray the way we can for the people, whom we know and for those, whom we even don’t know, to call for the Grace of God for their virtues and “pray humbly for their sins and faults”. Thanks to this we can ascend from power to greater power keeping the Grace of the Holy Spirit, because the following spiritual law is unalterable: help somebody and you will become stronger yourself.

Looking into the history and especially into the history of our monastery we try to find the useful for us in its events and make it possible for others to find the same https://indiacialis...ialis/.

We tell about the history of this holy place with the help of written, photo and media sources on the pages of our site in the section entitled “The Past and the Present”.

In this part you can find the historical data of the cloister, a film, dedicated to its restoration and photo-chronicle.

Unfortunately, we don’t have much data concerning the life of the brethren, who had lived in the monastery till its closure in 1931m because monastery archives and the library of the cloister were destroyed.