
thumb_16Coenobitic life was restored, long and beautiful divine services began to take place, old churches were reconstructed and new ones were built. Many Christian relics ( the relics of Russian and oecumenical saints, revered icons, among which there are icons which were painted in the 19th century on the Holy Mount Athos, church and historic relics) were collected with the zeal of the father superior, his spiritual children and  other devout donators. They attract numerous pilgrims.

In the spring of 2004 at the request of Father Abel he retired because of his bad health and advanced age with the blessing of the Holy Synod.  Father Abel stayed in the cloister which had been restored by him. He was a spiritual father for the brethren and for the pilgrims. One may say he was loved and regarded with reverence by the people of the whole Ryazan region. And not only of Ryazan region. He was often visited by the archbishops of the Russian and other local Orthodox Churches. Mathumb_15ny people who were looking for spiritual food came to him from St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, Arkhangelsk and Kaluga, from many other cities of our country, from America, from France, other countries, the brethren from the Holy Mount Athos – the Russian and the Greeks.thumb_17

His fervent ministration was noted and many times rewarded by the authorities of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Father Abel took part in the local councils of the Russian Orthodox Church twice (in 1988 and in 1989).

In the summer of 2006 he was bestowed a title of an honorary freeman of Ryazan.