Свято-Иоанно-Богословский мужской монастырь Рязанская епархия с.Пощупово - Официальный сайт

ikonaWelcome to the official site of St. John the Theologian Monastery in Ryazan Eparchy!

You can learn about the history of the most ancient cloister in Ryazan diocese on its pages. You can find some information about the relics of the monastery and the outstanding fervent servants of God. You can also get a clear view of the modern life of the brethren.

The photo gallery of the monastery and the films, which describe its history and relics, will help you to touch the very spirit of this sacred place.

One of the films is specially dedicated to the memory of the father superior of the monastery late staretz Archimandrite Abel (Seraphim in schema), who began the restoration of the cloister.

But certainly the virtual visit to the monastery can never substitute for the real visit and prayers in its churches. That’s why we will be glad to see you among our dear guests and pilgrims.

Through the prayers of the Saint Patron of our cloister Apostle of love Saint John the Theologian O Lord Jesus Christ, bless all the visitors of this site and give them comforting minutes helpful for their souls on these pages.


With love in Christ,

Father Superior of

St. John the Theologian monastery

Hegumen Isaacius

with all the brethren in Christ.